Pi Robot VideosMore recent videos are listed first. You can also see these video's on Pi Robot's .
Teleoperation of a TurtleBot using Speech Recognition
Face Tracking: ,
Skeleton Tracking: ,
- Pi Gets a Grip on Things (Visually Guided Reaching and Grasping, March 2010)
Pi (formerly Pepé le Bôt) Auditions for the Ballet (Flash January 2010)
External View of the Improved Object Tracking as in Previous Video (Flash January 2010)
Faster Object Tracking using Higher Frame Rates and Lower Camera Resolution (Flash January 2010)
External View During Object Tracking as in Previous Video (Flash January 2010)
Peppy's View While Object Tracking using Dynamixel Servos and Wireless Webcam (Flash January 2010)
Guided Learning using an Artificial Neural Network (Youtube November 2009)
Learning the Light Following Behavior (Youtube November 2009)
Light Following Robot using a Neural Network Controller (Youtube October 2009)
Obstacle Avoidance using Omnidirectional Vision (Youtube September 2009)
Obstacle Avoidance using Sonar and Infrared Sensors (Youtube July 2009)
New Head Tracking and Feline Antics - Improved head tracking utilitizing predictive look-ahead and visual search (7 Mb Flash February 10, 2009)
Head Tracking + New Arm Tracking and Grasping - Using the eyes to guide the arms for receiving and grasping an object from a person (8 Mb Flash February 15, 2009)
Pi's Yellow Balloon - Fully autonomous mobile interaction with an object (14 Mb Flash July 27, 2008)
Peppy's Omnidirectional Vision System (3.5 Mb Flash March 1, 2009)
Rovio Escapes! - A diversion into programming the WowWee Rovio robot (December 2008)
Rovio Take 2 - An improved navigation algorithm allows for faster movement (March 1, 2009)
Pi Robot's First Words - Speech recognition and text-to-speech (4.9 Mb Flash Apr 21, 2008)
Pi Robot Plays "Catch" - Demontration of time-to-collision estimation and arm control (3.4 Mb Flash Jan 28, 2008)
Pi Robot's First Home Video - Head tracking of a colored object (2.9 Mb Flash Jan 23, 2008)